Our Products



It is a data driven shortlink service from Preneur Lab. Anyone will be able to claim short links and edit them later. Get interactive charts with click analytics, trace uniques returning clicks, visitors and more. User can create QR code and explore links according to their demand


E-stamp.app is a secure platform for organizations and individuals to upload their important document and secure it for future verification purposes or reference. Through this platform, a verification code will be generated during the documentation with which anyone can see the original document from anywhere for verification purpose.


Ofc.ai is the office automation system. It automatically monitors employees, tracks tasks, helps admin to keep records. It also tracks pre-post meeting activities and group work. This allows employees uptodate with every notification without human interaction. Ofc.ai helps you automate the operations of any department, ensure fail-safe decision making with predictive models that analyse data and propose spot-on information, safeguard your business physically and digitally, and significantly increase the productivity of your employees by working alongside them.

Dost Ai

Dost.ai is a Preneur Lab�s inhouse artificial intelligence based system that believe �Let AI work for Your Business�. It is an automated messaging system. Our AI Engine understands a wide range of languages. It can also work on facebook commenting system. Beside this, we have launched chatbot in multiple channels including Twitter, Line, Viber, Google Assistant.